Grains de Verre [fr.ɡʁɛ̃ də vɛʁ] is a handmade jewelry brand founded in December 2018 by Rita Molchanova.
His journey began with the fact that Rita created her first couture product - an opera cape made of thousands of beads, completely handmade, and later turned her creativity into a permanent production.
The heroine of Grains de Verre is a charming personality who embodies the whimsical type of the main character. She is self-confident, stylish and sassy, yet charmingly vulnerable, always ready to share her loving nature with those who deserve it. The brand works with unusual shapes and outlines that appeal to a non-standard audience - all those bright, sparkling personalities who attract attention without even intending to. The sentiment behind Grain de Verre's bohemian design is an admiration for the imperfect but beautiful Woman who is able to build new worlds and destroy them at her whim.
Grains de Verre strives to create voluminous and exceptional products that empower and attract attention. Whether it's a pair of earrings, a fancy ring or a chunky necklace, each piece is designed to stand out and be the center of attention.
The designer invests her own charm in each product, appealing to romantics in shiny jewelry armor - people with fine taste and natural, radiant femininity.
We offer international delivery to all destinations except Russia and Belarus.
Delivery in Ukraine is carried out using the "Nova Poshta" service within 2-7 working days from the moment of ordering.
Доставка НП оплачується клієнтом за тарифами перевізника. Номери ТТН створюються автоматично, просимо слідкувати за повідомленнями.
– за допомогою міжнародної доставки, вартість доставки 20-30$ (залежіть від країни) орієнтовний час прибуття 14-21 робочий день;
by DHL / Fedex express delivery, the cost of delivery is $120, the delivery time is 2-8 working days depending on the recipient's country.
We are not responsible for delivery services.
Self-pickup is also possible from our showroom at the address: Odesa, str. Gretska, 2/1 by indicating the delivery method "self-pickup" in the comments when placing the order. After the order is processed, we will contact you and set a day and time when you can receive the order.
All positions on the website are available for order. Some items take longer to produce. Please note that some jewelry takes longer to make, which we will inform you about in advance.
Повернення прикрас можливо при наявності пломби, протягом 14 робочих днів.
До кожного замовлення ми додаємо фірмову коробку та мішечок, в якій також можна зберігати прикраси. Наша упаковка ідеально підходить для подарунка.
All products are resistant to changes, but require special care. Jewelry should be protected from direct contact with chlorinated or salty water, aggressive cosmetics and perfumes. Any of the listed products can spoil the appearance of the decoration. We also recommend storing jewelry in bags or boxes that are included in the set, separately from other products. You can find more detailed information about the care of an individual product in the product description.
Silverware can darken over time. We add a special napkin to the package, which will help take care of the product.